Arbor Vitae Facts
Photo courtesy of Minocqua Area Visitors Bureau
About the town
Arbor Vitae is located in Vilas County, Wisconsin, United States. Nestled in the deep north woods, Arbor Vitae is surrounded by hundreds of the country’s greatest lakes. With a population of approximately 3,300, the town’s population swells to nearly 10,000 during the summer months as vacationers from other states seek the beautiful outdoors of northern Wisconsin.
The town of Arbor Vitae has a rich logging history dating back to the early 1800s. More than 80% of the land area in and around Arbor Vitae is state-owned and resources are strictly managed. Controlled logging still occurs today.
More than 150 years of logging have left many excellent trails for hiking and exploring in the Arbor Vitae area.
Town Board
Our town has five board members. The board meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm in the town hall. The meetings are open to the public. The following is a list of board members and officers.
(715) 892-4626
Building Inspection & Permits
The town has adopted the Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code and we have our own building inspector. If you have plans for residential construction, you will need a building permit first from the town and second from Vilas County Zoning. If you are building on an empty parcel, you need to first apply for a driveway permit with the town. The building inspector is available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at his office – located at 8735 Highway 47 E. You must travel to Eagle River to obtain county permits. Any questions you might have prior to building should be directed to the building inspector, Rick Clem, at RC Inspection Agency at 715.439.4222 (office) or 715.892.2056 (cell), or you can contact the town hall at 715.356.3120.
Requirements for obtaining a building permit for a GARAGE:
Note: You MUST secure the Arbor Vitae town permit prior to County permits.
Application for private driveway with Town of Arbor Vitae.
County zoning permit.
One copy of plans in 1/8″ scale… basic drawing showing dimensions of garage, overall height, wall and floor thickness.
All forms completely filled out and signed.
A map showing how to get to the site location.
Requirements for obtaining a building permit for NEW DWELLINGS/ADDITIONS:
You MUST secure the Arbor Vitae town permit prior to County permits.
Application for private driveway with Town of Arbor Vitae.
Sanitary permit.
County zoning permit.
A copy of the sanitary permit will be required to determine slope of the property for erosion plan. THIS SHOULD INCLUDE A COMPLETE SITE PLAN.
One copy of plans in 1/4″ or 1/8″ scale showing the following: (A) Foundation plan with all specifications. (B) Floor plans which show all rooms. (C) Exterior Elevation drawings (front and sides). (D) Cross section showing all structural components. (E) Wall bracing must be shown on plans.
A complete energy compliance worksheet RES Check.
Erosion control plan.
All forms completely filled out and signed.
A map showing how to get to the building site location.
For more information, visit RC Inspection Agency’s website HERE.
Address Designation
Your address is ARBOR VITAE, Wisconsin 54568, VILAS County. Arbor Vitae has a shared zip code with Woodruff. The post office is in the town of Woodruff, Oneida County on Hwy 47. Please use your address followed by ARBOR VITAE not Woodruff. If you do not use Arbor Vitae as your town, your tax dollars are going to the wrong community and the wrong county. Education is key!
Brush Site
Arbor Vitae does have a brush site. It is located where the old dump was on Schuman Road, off of North Farming Road and Hwy 51. The site is open every weekend in the Spring and Fall and every other weekend during the Summer to accept brush, leaves, and pine needles. (Fridays and Saturdays 8-4, Sundays 8-12 noon). Branches not more than 3″ in diameter will be accepted. A permit is needed and is available at the town office. A new permit is not necessary each year. We will also accept recycling. We have a bin for glass, plastic, tin, and aluminum and another for paper and cardboard. See our yearly calendar and any recent posts under our ANNOUNCEMENTS section.
Dog Licenses
The State of Wisconsin requires that all dogs be licensed each year. The deadline for licensing is March 31st. The cost is $5.00 for spayed and neutered dogs; otherwise it is $10.00. A $5.00 late fee is charged if not licensed by the due date. All dogs five months and older must be licensed. Licenses are available at the town hall. You must supply us with your vet’s information regarding current rabies status including the manufacturer’s name and serial number, and the date of the vaccination.
Emergency & Fire
The town has a volunteer fire department with 50 members. The fire chief is Mike VanMeter. If you have a fire emergency, dial 911. The fire department has an annual fund raiser called Summerfest at the Fireman’s Park near the town hall. This annual event has paid for the equipment used by the fire department. The fire department is proud to have raised enough money at this event for purchasing trucks so they are not reflected on your tax bill. This is a fun event that you should mark on your calendar. It is always the first weekend in August. Attend and help support our fire department. Visit the Arbor Vitae Fire & Rescue Home Page HERE.
Arbor Vitae does not have its own police department. The Vilas County Sheriff’s Department patrols and responds to our calls. If you need help and it’s an emergency, dial 911. All non-emergency calls please dial 715.479.4441. Visit the Vilas County Sheriff’s Home Page HERE.
If you should need an ambulance, dial 911. The Oneida County Ambulance at Ascension (previously Howard Young Medical Center) will respond. The fire department also has a First Responder team, which was established for responding to calls since 1997. Visit the Arbor Vitae Fire & Rescue Home Page HERE.
The town does not have its own library. There is a library in Minocqua or in Eagle River that can be used at no cost. However, any Vilas County library may also be used at no cost. Minocqua Public Library Home Page HERE. Eagle River Public Library Home Page HERE.
Election Wards
Arbor Vitae is divided into seven wards and four supervisory districts for County elections. Town board seats are at large. The polling place for all elections and all wards is the town hall in the community room.
See the Town of Arbor Vitae Ward map HERE.
See the Vilas County Supervisory District map HERE.
Vilas County Voting District #5 map
Vilas County Voting District #6 map
Vilas County Voting District #7 map
Vilas County Voting District #9 map
Voting Information
You can register to vote at the town hall any day of the year during our office hours. You will need proof of residency with your physical Arbor Vitae address on it - such as a current driver’s license or utility bill. You can also register on the day of the election.
See samples of acceptable proof of residency HERE.
For more information on Proof of Residence for Voter Registration click HERE.
You can register to vote online, or change your resident address at MyVoteWi.gov.
On the day of election, you will need your photo ID for proof of identity in order to vote.
Recycling Drop-Off Center
Advanced Recycling offers a recycling drop-off center if you do not have a private hauler. They accept aluminum, plastics, glass, magazines, steel cans, newspaper, corrugated paper and office paper. There is a charge per bag for garbage. Garbage must be placed in a Vilas County container. Advanced Recycling is located on Hwy J off of Hwy 47. Visit the Advanced Home Page HERE.
Anything that is not recyclable is taken to the Hwy G landfill out of Sayner. This includes construction materials, appliances, mattresses, furniture, tires, batteries, etc. They charge by the weight.